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Chinese Lunar Calendar and the Roaming Holidays

April 14 | No Comments

There are two major groups in the world today who still use the lunar calendar – the Chinese and the Muslims – and both of them represent a majority of Xinjiang’s population.

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6 Reasons to Live or Travel to Xinjiang

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Why should you live or travel to China’s far western province of Xinjiang? The better question is…why not? But for those who need a reason, here’s six.

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20 Best Xinjiang Books | Travel, History & Uyghur Culture

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What are the best Xinjiang books to read? Whether you’re looking to travel to Xinjiang or you just want to understand the situation in Xinjiang better, I’d like to point you toward the best resources currently available to read about Xinjiang and the Uyghur people. Over the years, I’ve read and even reviewed a number […]

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Your Ketchup Probably Came from Xinjiang

April 13 | No Comments

Next time you squeeze that little packet of ketchup onto your greasy french fry for lunch, think of Xinjiang. There’s a high probability that the tomato used to produce that ketchup came from China’s largest, western province.

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Traditional Chinese Cupping Therapy | My Experience

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Chinese suction cup therapy has a history of over 2,000 years and is reported to cure back pain and the common cold. True or false? Here’s my experience…

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What is the Largest Province in China?

April 12 | No Comments

When I asked this question yesterday my research opened a whole can of worms I didn’t know about, and I found that to be fair, this is a trick question. The answer lies in your understanding that not all parts of China are created equally. I just finished taking a crash course in Chinese Political Geography 101, and I’m lending you my notes to copy.

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Learn Uyghur | Ultimate Guide to Available Resources

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Do you have an interested to learn Uyghur? While the resources are sparse, they do exist. In this comprehensive guide to learning Uyghur, I’d like to share with you the type of resources available and the best ways to learn the Uyghur language both inside and outside of China. Before I lay out the types […]

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Understanding “Xinjiang Time” and China’s Two Time Zones

April 10 | No Comments

Does Xinjiang have two time zones? While traveling around Xinjiang, at some point you’ll likely here the terms “Xinjiang time” and “Beijing time” thrown around. I’d like to take a few minutes to help you understand China’s time zones and which time zone is used in Xinjiang specifically. Imagine a traffic jam in China’s capital […]

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How I Got a China Driver’s License in Xinjiang

April 9 | No Comments

Are you looking to get a Chinese driver’s license? The truth is that China is one of those places where a “definitive guide” is impossible – your experience is always going to be slightly different than mine. That said, perhaps hearing about how I obtained a Chinese driver’s license will help you understand what to expect […]

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10 Crazy, Little-Known Facts about Xinjiang

April 8 | No Comments

For most people around the world – including Chinese people in China – Xinjiang is a mysterious and generally misunderstood region. What makes Xinjiang so special? And how can one place cause fear for some people and inspiration from another? As a foreigner who has lived in the Xinjiang region since 2006, I’ve learned that […]

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