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25 Unbelievably Stunning Xinjiang Photos

April 20 | No Comments

There is no doubt in mind that Xinjiang offers not only the most beautiful scenery in all of China, but also the most diverse. Considering that Xinjiang is the largest region in China, the ecological diversity should really come as no surprise. Indeed, as these 25 gorgeous Xinjiang photos prove, this place is unbelievable. Most […]

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Amazing Petroglyphs Re-Discovered in Xinjiang, China!

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Kangjiashimenzi (康家石门子) is a collection of ancient petroglyphs that were carved into the side of a massive red-basalt rock in China’s remote region of Xinjiang. These carvings have been dated to about 2000 B.C. and they are believed to be the world’s earliest recordings of an ancient fertility ritual. Some call it an archeological wonder. […]

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Driving in China: Defying Death as a Foreigner

April 18 | No Comments

For anybody who has visited China, it probably seems ridiculous to think that anything good could come from the chaotic Chinese traffic. But I can honestly say that thanks to my time driving in China, I’ve become a better driver. Here’s a brief explanation of how. Recently, I received the one official Chinese document that […]

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Stunning China Mountains (only found in Xinjiang)

April 17 | No Comments

China is known for some unique landscapes, but none are quite as breathtaking as the various China mountains. What most people don’t know, though, is that some of the most scenic mountains in China are found in the remote western region known as “Xinjiang”. If you were ever under the impression that people only travel […]

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Mysterious Lop Nor Structure in China Revealed

April 16 | No Comments

Although once famous for its “Wandering Lake” mentioned by Marco Polo as his last stop before taking a year-long journey across the Gobi Desert, it has finally made the headlines again in a few very small newspapers here in China’s northwest as the world’s largest potash fertilizer producer.

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20 Dangerous Food Combinations (according to Chinese tradition)

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Ever wonder why you went bald?  Do you ever find yourself with a decreased vigor for life and can’t explain why? Did you suddenly go deaf without any prior symptoms?  How about an unexpected bloated belly or an intense case of diarrhea?  It may be that you had some dangerous food combinations…or at least so says […]

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Healthy Chinese Food? It’s not the Food, It’s This…

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Despite my aversion to diets, I lost close to 10 kg (22 lbs) on in my first year in China! A lot of this can be attributed to more walking, a better sleep schedule, and the occasional post-restaurant stomach virus I like to call Mao’s Revenge, but I think there was a little more at work here. Let me explain…

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Do Uyghur Celebrate Chinese New Year?

April 15 | No Comments

Last week China celebrated what is called the “Spring Festival”, the country’s largest holiday. Whether you visit Beijing, Shanghai, Tibet, or Xinjiang you won’t be able to miss the elaborate decorations and deafening firecrackers…but do the minorities join in the celebration?

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How China Taught Me to Understand Islam

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It wasn’t until I moved to Xinjiang, China that I realized how little I understood about Islam. My time in the province revealed some of the terrible misconceptions I have about the religion…

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Karamay Fire 1994 | The Real Story Behind China’s Worst Fire Disaster

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On December 8th, 1994, the small city of Karamay in China’s northwest Xinjiang province was home to one of the worst fire disasters in the country’s history. Dubbed the “Karamay Theater Fire” (克拉玛依大火), it’s notable not only for the unfortunate number of children that died (288) but also for the ensuing controversy and attempted coverup. […]

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