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Want to learn about Xinjiang?

Explore the culture, discover new people and research Silk Road history.

It’s hard to get unbiased information on Xinjiang and the Uyghur people in China. Most of the time you’re either wading through propaganda or buried in politics.

First, I’d like to say that I am not a scholar. The information gathered below is my humble attempt to bring a better understanding of Xinjiang and the Uyghur to the world. I don’t wish to write a dissertation or get published in a historical magazine. I just want to share my passion and love for this region and people.

If you have anything you’d like to add (perhaps you’ve written a dissertation?) I welcome you to contact me.

Xinjiang History

History of Xinjiang

Xinjiang lies at the heart of the ancient Silk Road and at the intersection of China and the Middle East. Here is a look at one of the most complex and fascinating historical narratives in Asia.

Discover the Uyghur of Xinjiang

Discover the Uyghur

The Uyghur people of central Asia represent over 40% of Xinjiang’s population and are responsible for the culture that makes Xinjiang worth visiting.

Xinjiang conflict

History of Conflict

Although it doesn’t get the international attention like Tibet often does, Xinjiang has a history of internal conflict, some of which is still lingers in the form of ethnic tension between Uyghur and Han.

Xinjiang Uyghur Region Museum in Urumqi

Modern Day Silk Road

Even today Xinjiang has much to offer those who are interested to learn about the Silk Road and the importance this land still has as a trade route through Asia.

I'm traveling to:

  • Central Xinjiang

  • East Xinjiang

  • South Xinjiang

  • North Xinjiang

    • Altay (Coming Soon!)
    • Ili (Gulja or Yili) (Coming Soon!)